Medical Education Services

GoLEAD presents NEJM Healer to transform clinical reasoning education. We save educators precious time and empower learners with an innovative, case-based curriculum that makes medical education efficient and effective.

Get started now by signing up for NEJM Healer and transform your medical education journey.

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Deliberate Practice for Developing Sound Clinical Reasoning and Achieving Diagnostic Excellence

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Introducing Healer: Unleashing Clinical Reasoning Skills

NEJM Healer is your virtual "bedside teaching" experience, revolutionizing the world of clinical reasoning. With our robust case-based curriculum and systematic teaching approach, you'll unlock the secrets to clinical reasoning step by step.

NEJM GoLEAD clinical research

Problems NEJM Healer Solves

GoLEAD is a proud provider of the groundbreaking product, Healer, an edtech clinical reasoning solution developed by the New England Journal of Medicine, provides a virtual library of patient encounters and advanced feedback and reporting capabilities to guide faculty in teaching clinical reasoning and empower students to develop sound diagnostic skills through deliberate practice. Healer guides faculty in teaching clinical reasoning while empowering students to develop sound diagnostic skills through deliberate practice. By demystifying the clinical reasoning process, Healer prepares students for each new stage of their clinical training.

Streamlined Faculty Resources

Struggling to find time for personalized, engaging clinical reasoning education? NEJM Healer is the answer. Our platform frees up faculty members to focus on other critical tasks, boosting efficiency and allowing for greater student success.

Abundant Bedside Learning Opportunities

Learners hungry for hands-on experience? NEJM Healer offers a wealth of case-based learning materials and in-depth feedback. With our platform, learners continually hone their clinical reasoning skills, setting them on a path to excellence in patient care.

Demystifying Clinical Reasoning

Clinical reasoning doesn't have to be complex. NEJM Healer simplifies the process by breaking down clinical encounters into manageable steps. This approach not only fosters critical thinking but also enhances knowledge acquisition and organization.

Effortless Clinical Reasoning Instruction

Teaching clinical reasoning should be straightforward. NEJM Healer provides a standardized approach, allowing educators to slow down and guide learners through all facets of a case. It's the key to nurturing both reasoning and knowledge skills.

Precise Performance Assessment

Measuring clinical reasoning has never been easier. NEJM Healer delivers in-depth assessment data that empowers learners and educators alike. Identify areas for growth and refine instruction to ensure optimal results.

The Perfect Balance of Knowledge and Reasoning

Clinical knowledge and clinical reasoning are inseparable. NEJM Healer seamlessly integrates medical knowledge within the context of clinical reasoning. It's the ultimate tool for preparing future clinicians for the dynamic challenges of patient care.

clinical reasoning assesement by NEJM Healer
Clinical Reasoning Process

Master teaching and assessing clinical reasoning

Regardless of whether you think of it as art or science, we now know that clinical reasoning is multi-step and iterative process that can be taught and learned.

Clinical Reasoning and Knowledge Development Requires Deliberate Practice

Exposure to cases and clinical scenarios are essential to helping learners develop their knowledge and reasoning, but we can’t rely on direct clinical experience alone.
We need new, safe, and appealing ways for learners to engage in deliberate practice and provide educators with objective data.
Rather than developing clinical reasoning and knowledge through mere observation and repetition, with NEJM Healer mastery is achieved through deliberate practice during each encounter and learning from experts’ direct feedback.
With this repeated, deliberate practice and built-in coaching from NEJM Healer, learners will improve performance and speed up the development of their clinical reasoning and knowledge skills. Along the way, they will become more confident in their ability to apply the process to any patient case. Assessment can help identify and remediate gaps in reasoning, knowledge, or both.

The NEJM Healer Advantage

Unlock Your Diagnostic Prowess and Get Expert Insights into Your Medical Mind. Discover Your Strengths and Supercharge Your Skills!
Clinical Reasoning

Unleash Clinical Genius with NEJM Healer: Master the Art of Diagnosis!

Enhance your clinical research skills with our comprehensive 6-month course. Learn to design, implement, and interpret various study designs to contribute to improved healthcare outcomes.
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Knowledge and Reasoning

Supercharge Your Diagnosis Skills with NEJM Healer

Craft a Powerful Differential Diagnosis by Merging Clinical Wisdom and Critical Thinking. Dive into Data-Driven Illness Scripts for Ultimate Learning.
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Expert Comparison

Elevate Your Skills with Precision Feedback on Every Virtual Patient!

Unlock Your Progress with Performance Tracking and Cohort Insights. Empower Educators to Support Every Learner's Journey.
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Healer by NEJM AND GoLEAD screenshot
Gold-Standard Content

Elevate Your Learning with NEJM Healer: Forged from the Pinnacle of Medical Expertise!

Unleash Your Potential with NEJM Healer, Born of NEJM Group's Unparalleled Legacy in Medical Research and Education. Our Elite Clinician-Editors Crafted the Ultimate Content Library for Your Transformational Learning Journey.
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What our users have to say about NEJM: Healer

As an educator, the most exciting aspect of NEJM Healer for an educator is the objective data!
Historically, clinical reasoning is assessed by an educator's gestalt... does the student "get it" or not? NEJM Healer breaks down the clinical reasoning process into well-defined steps that can be easily measured to help determine the strengths or deficits in the clinical reasoning process. This creates an incredible potential for remediating students with clinical reasoning difficulties.
Nicholas Duca
MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Clerkship Director for Internal Medicine,
Penn State College of Medicine
NEJM healer is most exciting to me as a learning and assessment tool, providing unprecedented parameters and perspectives on learner growth and development. It fits perfectly within a competency-based medical education
assessment for learning system.
Myles Nickolich
MD, Assistant Dean for Education in the Clinical Learning Environment,
Penn State College of Medicine
What makes NEJM Healer innovative is its approach to tap into the science of clinical problem solving (reasoning) through the use of illness scripts and by
prompting users to consider how data contributes to the final diagnosis in clinical cases. This product can be of tremendous value to students as they prepare for real patient encounters.
Anthony A. Miller
M.Ed., PA-C (Emeritus) Distinguished Professor Division of Physician Assistant Studies,
Shenandoah University

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your clinical reasoning skills.

Join NEJM Healer today and embark on a journey of knowledge and expertise.
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